the only bread i need

This is a song by Jim Terrell, the "singing handyman" and a good friend. He wrote it a few years ago at our request to be used in a worship service.  I was looking for special music for this morning's "bread of life" theme and asked him to sing it again. It is focused more on God's Word as the "bread we need" but it all inter-relates, since in our current series we are seeing how Jesus made such a point to "fulfill/complete the scripture" (a la Matthew 5:17). Here is a link to hear the live recording this morning (will open and play in another window), with the lyrics below. Jim is playing guitar and singing and I am playing mandolin and harmonizing. The Only Bread I Need (Jim Terrell - GSPC worship 03.02.14) Dear Lord you break for me Bread of Life I always need Found only in your living Word Open my ears, dear Lord, So you are soundly heard You bless me each and every day; Your true Word along the way Open my eyes so I will see Your light on these winding roads and mountains ahead of me And I feel a gentle wind blowing, the warmest comfort I shall find Truth in your Living Word, your Living Word is mine Life a journey of many miles; and we won’t pass it without our trials But you’ve assured us, every woman and man As we take our journey home we’ll be in the palm of your hand So I bow my head and pray; As your words I joyfully say My hunger disappears as my soul you feed You are the living truth and strength, the only bread I need And I feel a gentle wind blowing, the warmest comfort I shall find Truth in your Living Word, your Living Word is mine